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发布日期:2025-01-04 16:18 点击次数:69
在变化中,碳失去了电子,而氧获得了电子。⑩ It was reported that scientist had worked at the problem of storing the sun’s heat for many years. 据报道,对于贮藏太阳能的问题,科学工作者曾经进行过多年的研究。Ⅳ、其它词语的增译及省译1、增加表示动作的名词引起的增译:“作用、过程、现象、情况、变化”等。见例句①、②。2、增加表示数量的词(以示强调)引起的增译:“两个过程、三个方面、单独、都”等、见例句②~④。3、增译动词: “进行、引起、发生、使”等。见例句⑤。4、增加解说性词语引起的增译:视上下文而定。见例句⑤ 。5、增加关联词引起的增译: “因为、由于、所以”等。见例句⑧、⑨。6、增加连贯性的词引起的增译: “就”等。见例句⑨。7、省译代词、动词、介词、冠词等: 例句⑧省译代词“it”,例句⑩省译动词“is placed”。①Oxidation will make iron and steel rusty. 氧化作用会使铁和钢生锈。②The principles of absorption and desorption are basically the same.吸收和解吸这两个过程的原理基本相同。③Ketones are very closely related to both aldehydes and alcohols.酮与醛和醇的关系都很密切。④The project is the largest public works program undertaken by a state in the history of the United States.这是美国历史上由一个州单独承担最大的一项公共工程。⑤From what is stated above , it is learned that the sun’s heat can pass through the empty space between the sun and the atmosphere. 由上述可知,太阳的热量可以穿过太阳与地球周围的大气层之间的真空而传播到地面。(据上下文加译“传播到地面”)⑥But neutralization is cumbersome.但是,中和是个麻烦的问题。 ⑦Transistors are small, efficient and have a long life. 晶体管体积小,效率高,寿命长。⑧Evaporation differs from crystallization in that emphasis is placed on concentrating a solution rather than forming and building crystals. 蒸发和结晶不同,因为蒸发着重于将溶液浓缩而不是生成和析出结晶。⑨ The hydrocarbons are all lighter than water, and , being almost completely insoluble, float on it.这些烃都比水轻,再由于它们几乎完全不溶于水,所以就浮在水面上。⑩ When the solution in the tank has reached the desired temperature, it is discharged. 当罐内溶液达到说要求的温度时,就卸料。责任编辑:admin